Friday, 31 May 2013

 Friday May 31, 2013


We have had six sea days since my last blog.  I think we have filled it in admirably.  It is just like living in a small community really, everyone goes about their business, I have likened life on board as perhaps like being under house arrest, instead of an ankle bracelet we have our cards around our neck.  We have both been doing a fair bit of reading etc.  I am attending the keeping fit classes one needs some type of structure, Sam would quite happily do absolutely nothing each day, but he is in fact going to the gym each day and walking round the deck, yesterday he did over 3 miles around the deck.  Have met lots of interesting people and the reason each person is doing this holiday and where they are going to from here are quite fascinating.  The diverse age group has totally surprised me, the age group ranging from mid 30s to probably late 80s and some children as well.

Today Friday we docked in Singapore and we have just finished our city tour, we went to the Orchid Gardens as well.  This afternoon I am going to iron a few of our things, having mastered the washing machine and dryer the other day,  not too bad considering, met some lovely ladies in the laundry as we are all in the same boat (so to speak).  We set off this afternoon at about 5.00 ish and arrive in Kuala Lumpur tomorrow.  We have a full day tour booked for tomorrow and then the next day to Lang Kawi, we do not have anything booked for there but I am sure we will find something to do, if there is a beach it would be good to sit on the beach and have a swim. 

 All the best to all Sabine and Sam  XXX  

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Saturday 25 May 2013 Timor Sea

Hello to all.  We left Brisbane on Wednesday afternoon.  Ship life can be as busy or as quiet as one wishes.  One receives their daily newspaper each evening on returning from dinner and then the next days’ activities can be planned from there.  The day begins with a Long and Lean Stretch Class followed by the Abs Workshop, I have attended some of these but missed today, will go tomorrow.  Sam has slept thru all of these, he says he is in no need of long and lean stretching and his abs whatever they are are just fine. Our dinner companions are all lovely and we have shared some funny stories.  Tomorrow I am going to join the Sea Princess Pop Choir and then head to Zumba.  We do not arrive in Singapore until Friday so quite a few days of rest and

relaxation prior to this, I do think everyone needed this as I noticed today everyone seemed to be looking a bit fresher, well as fresh as we can look being old people.

We reached the tip of Aust today at about 11.30, a little later on I noticed we had slowed down quite considerably, Sam said we are just taking on the Pilot but one of the passengers had to be taken off, unwell so apparently it was quite an exercise as I can imagine it would be.  

I do think it will be quite a challenge getting thru 104 days at sea and I think it needs to be taken one day at time, once we are going to ports regularly this will keep us on the ball. 

I hope to add more exciting episodes as time goes on.  All the best Sabine and Sam XXX    

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Brisbane 22 May 2013

Hello to all.  We left home on Sunday 19th May our friends Ronda and Ken kindly took us to our airport hotel.  We checked in had a coffee at McDonalds and after farewelling Ronda and Ken we organised ourselves for the evening, wandered across to the airport (only 10 mins walking) to see how long it would take us the next morning etc. Had a bite to eat at the noodle bar got ourselves into holiday mode, slept like babies and were booked in and thru security by 6.30 on Monday morning, had some brekky and waited for our flight, arrived in Sydney, collected by our transfer and then to the ship, all very smooth really baggage collection booking in and processing onto the ship, we were on board by about 2.30 and sailed by 4.30.  All of our luggage duly arrived to our room, unpacked got ready for dinner, we are on a table of 10, all of us doing the complete journey, all very good company so we are fortunate indeed. 


Had a fairly lazy day on Tuesday and arrived in Brisbane on Wednesday morning, my sister Anne collected us and we went to see my Mum at her Aged Care Facility, she was indeed pleased to see us as we had not told her we would be doing this just kept it a surprise.  We had a lovely day, came back on board by about 2.00 ish and had a little nap,we are at this present moment awaiting the ship to leave, we are half an our late already, the tug is waiting to take us down the river, all of these things have to fall into place, the logistics of the whole exercise at every port major really.  We took on about 300 souls in Brisbane and then the next disembark and embark will be in Dubai. 


We now have 8 days sailing I have not ever spent this long at sea without a port but there is plenty to do, I have joined the pilates class and at 6.00 I will go to the Abs workshop and Evening Stretch and we are on the 7.45 dinner sitting. 


Candice and Ash I am very much missing my cruising pals, not quite the same having pre dinner drinks without you girls, you would have fitted in perfectly as there are all age groups, I honestly thought it would only be us older folk but no a very broad range of the community which is nice really.  Annie bought me all my shopping for the 15 weeks so that is all packed away until it is required,  all the basic things, shampoo, conditioner, body lotion etc etc so that saved me taking it all in my case. 


I do hope to add many more interesting tit bits as we go along.  Sam is watching proceedings from the balcony and by the way beautiful one day perfect the next definitely not today, quite chilly indeed.  We have come to a halt so who knows.  Hope all is well  Sabine and Sam 


PS   Gordon had originally said your blogs will have to be short Lyn internet time is precious (mind you I do them in Word and transfer them over anyway) but what a perfect surprise my lovely travel agent Amy Jennings now Amy Wheatley made me a Platinum Card Holder (which I clearly am not) and that entitled me to 2,000 minutes of free internet what a love she is.  Talk soon  Sabine  XX  Watching the ship be turned around in the river is quite fascinating indeed. 

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Getting ready to go

Sunday morning and all the packing is done and off to stay at a hotel at the airport this afternoon.

Leave Tulla tomorrow morning and all being well will be on the ship by early afternoon.

I believe that the cost of internet on the ship is not cheap so our blogs will not be as frequent as last time.

World, here we come!