Saturday, 25 May 2013

Saturday 25 May 2013 Timor Sea

Hello to all.  We left Brisbane on Wednesday afternoon.  Ship life can be as busy or as quiet as one wishes.  One receives their daily newspaper each evening on returning from dinner and then the next days’ activities can be planned from there.  The day begins with a Long and Lean Stretch Class followed by the Abs Workshop, I have attended some of these but missed today, will go tomorrow.  Sam has slept thru all of these, he says he is in no need of long and lean stretching and his abs whatever they are are just fine. Our dinner companions are all lovely and we have shared some funny stories.  Tomorrow I am going to join the Sea Princess Pop Choir and then head to Zumba.  We do not arrive in Singapore until Friday so quite a few days of rest and

relaxation prior to this, I do think everyone needed this as I noticed today everyone seemed to be looking a bit fresher, well as fresh as we can look being old people.

We reached the tip of Aust today at about 11.30, a little later on I noticed we had slowed down quite considerably, Sam said we are just taking on the Pilot but one of the passengers had to be taken off, unwell so apparently it was quite an exercise as I can imagine it would be.  

I do think it will be quite a challenge getting thru 104 days at sea and I think it needs to be taken one day at time, once we are going to ports regularly this will keep us on the ball. 

I hope to add more exciting episodes as time goes on.  All the best Sabine and Sam XXX    


  1. 104 days of eating, drinking, relaxing .... sounds a real tough challenge to me! But I guess someone has to do it.

  2. Hi guys great to catch up on your 'non-activities' for the last few days. I'm back from my whirlwind trip to NZ last week but hit the ground running as usual so only caught up with your news minutes ago - sounds wonderful. Cathie and I spent last Wednesday night at a Bris airport motel to get to the airport for our NZ flight without the usual freeway hassles, but you had sailed by the time we got there. We had dinner with Scuz at Portside. Anyway keep up the ab work (although I'm with Sam on this!) ...

  3. Glad your having a wonderful time, missing you, the girls dont understand why they cannot go over and see you.... I say, not long to go and you will be home - lucky they have no idea on time or days !!! MWAH xxxxxxxx
